********** PDO Driver ********** The official CUBRID PHP Data Objects (PDO) driver is available as a PECL package and it implements the PDO interface to enable access from PDO to CUBRID.PDO is available with PHP 5.1. For PHP 5.0, you can use it as a PECL extension. PDO cannot run with earlier versions of PHP 5.0 because it requires the new OO features in the core of PHP 5.0. PDO provides a data-access abstraction layer, which means that, regardless of which database you are using, you use the same functions to issue queries and fetch data; PDO does not provide a database abstraction. Using PDO as a database interface layer can have important advantages over "direct" PHP database drivers as follows: * Portable PHP code between different databases and database abstraction. * Supports SQL parameters and bind. * Safer SQLs (syntax verification, escaping, it helps protect against SQL injections etc.) * Cleaner programming model In particular, having a CUBRID PDO driver means that any application that uses PDO as a database interface should work with CUBRID. CUBRID PDO driver is based on CCI API so affected by CCI configurations such as **CCI_DEFAULT_AUTOCOMMIT**. To download PDO driver or get the latest information, click http://www.cubrid.org/wiki_apis/entry/cubrid-pdo-driver . Installing and Configuring PDO ============================== Linux ----- **Requirements** * Operating system: 32-bit or 64-bit Linux * Web server: Apache * PHP: 5.2 or 5.3 ( http://php.net/downloads.php ) **Installing CUBRID PHP Driver using PECL** If **PECL** package has been installed on your system, the installation of CUBRID PDO driver is straightforward. **PECL** will download and compile the driver for you. If you do not have **PECL** installed, follow the instructions at http://www.cubrid.org/wiki_apis/entry/installing-cubrid-php-driver-using-pecl to get it installed. #. Enter the following command to install the latest version of CUBRID PDO driver. :: sudo pecl install pdo_cubrid If you need earlier versions of the driver, you can install exact versions as follows: :: sudo pecl install pdo_cubrid- During the installation, you will be prompted to enter **CUBRID base install dir autodetect :**. Just to make sure your installation goes smoothly, enter the full path to the directory where you have CUBRID installed. For example, if CUBRID has been installed at **/home/cubridtest/CUBRID**, then enter **/home/cubridtest/CUBRID**. #. Edit the configuration file. * If you are using CentOS 6.0 and later or Fedora 15 and later, create a file named **pdo_cubrid.ini**, enter a command line **extension=pdo_cubrid.so**, and store the file in the **/etc/php.d** directory. * If you are using earlier versions of Cent0S or Fedora 15, edit the **php.ini** file (default location: **/etc/php5/apache2** or **/etc/**) and add the following two command lines at the end of the file. :: [CUBRID] extension=pdo_cubrid.so #. Restart the web server to apply changes. Windows ------- **Requirements** * Operating system: 32-bit or 64-bit Windows * Web server: Apache or IIS * PHP: 5.2 or 5.3 ( http://windows.php.net/download ) **Downloading and Installing Compiled CUBRID PDO Driver** First, download CUBRID PHP/PDO driver of which versions match the versions of your operating system and PHP installed at http://www.cubrid.org/?mid=downloads&item=php_driver&os=windows&ostype=any&php=any&driver_type=pdo. After you download the driver, you will see the **php_cubrid.dll** file for CUBRID PHP driver or the **php_pdo_cubrid.dll** file for CUBRID PDO driver. Follow the steps below to install it. #. Copy this driver to the default PHP extensions directory (usually located at **C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\ext**). #. Set your system environment. Check if the environment variable **PHPRC** is **C:\\Program Files\\PHP** and system variable path is added with **%PHPRC%** and **%PHPRC%\\ext**. #. Edit **php.ini** (**C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\php.ini**) and add the following two lines at the end of the **php.ini** file. :: [PHP_PDO_CUBRID] extension=php_pdo_cubrid.dll For CUBRID PHP driver, add command lines below. :: [PHP_CUBRID] extension = php_cubrid.dll #. Restart your web server to apply changes. PDO Programming =============== .. _pdo-dsn: Data Source Name (DSN) ---------------------- The PDO_CUBRID data source name (DSN) consists of the following elements: +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Element | Description | +=============+========================================================+ | DSN prefix | The DSN prefix is **cubrid**. | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | host | The hostname on which the database server resides | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | port | The port number where the database server is listening | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | dbname | The name of the database | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ **Example** :: "cubrid:host=;port=33000;dbname=demodb" Predefined Constants -------------------- The constants defined by CUBRID PDO driver are available only when the extension has been either compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime. In addition, these driver-specific constants should only be used if you are using PDO driver. Using driver-specific attributes with another driver may result in unexpected behavior. The `PDO::getAttribute() `_ function may be used to obtain the **PDO_ATTR_DRIVER_NAME** attribute value to check the driver if your code can run. The constants below can be used with the `PDO::cubrid_schema `_ function to get schema information. +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Constant | Type | Description | +====================================+==========+=====================================================================================================+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_TABLE | integer | Gets name and type of table in CUBRID. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_VIEW | integer | Gets name and type of view in CUBRID. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_QUERY_SPEC | integer | Get the query definition of view. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_ATTRIBUTE | integer | Gets the attributes of table column. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE | integer | Gets the attributes of table. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_TABLE_METHOD | integer | Gets the instance method. The instance method is a method called by a class instance. | | | | It is used more often than the class method because most operations are executed in the instance. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_METHOD_FILE | integer | Gets the information of the file where the method of the table is defined. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_SUPER_TABLE | integer | Gets the name and type of table which table inherits attributes from. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_SUB_TABLE | integer | Gets the name and type of table which inherits attributes from this table. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_CONSTRAINT | integer | Gets the table constraints. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_TRIGGER | integer | Gets the table triggers. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_TABLE_PRIVILEGE | integer | Gets the privilege information of table. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_COL_PRIVILEGE | integer | Gets the privilege information of column. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_DIRECT_SUPER_TABLE | integer | Gets the direct super table of table. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_DIRECT_PRIMARY_KEY | integer | Gets the table primary key. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_IMPORTED_KEYS | integer | Gets imported keys of table. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_EXPORTED_KEYS | integer | Gets exported keys of table. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PDO::CUBRID_SCH_CROSS_REFERENCE | integer | Gets reference relationship of two tables. | +------------------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ PDO Sample Program ================== Verifying CUBRID PDO Driver Version ----------------------------------- If you want to verify that the CUBRID PDO driver is accessible, you can use the `PDO::getAvailableDrivers `_ () function. .. code-block:: php ".$driver.' '; }else{ echo" - Driver: ".$driver.' '; } } ?> This script will output all the currently installed PDO drivers: :: PDO Drivers available: - Driver: mysql - Driver: pgsql - Driver: sqlite - Driver: sqlite2 - Driver: cubrid Connecting to CUBRID -------------------- Use the data source name (DSN) to connect to the database server. For details about DSN, see :ref:`pdo-dsn`. Below is a simple PHP example script which performs a PDO connection to the CUBRID *demodb* database. You can notice that errors are handling in PDO by using a try-catch mechanism and the connection is closed by assigning **NULL** to the connection object. .. code-block:: php getMessage()." "; } ?> If connection succeeds, the output of this script is as follows: :: PDO connect string: cubrid:dbname=demodb;host=localhost;port=30000 PDO connection created ok! Executing a SELECT Statement ---------------------------- In PDO, there is more than one way to execute SQL queries. * Using the `query `_ () function * Using prepared statements (see `prepare `_ ()/ `execute `_ ()) functions) * Using the `exec `_ () function The example script below shows the simplest one - using the `query `_ () function. You can retrieve the return values from the resultset (a PDOStatement object) by using the column names, like $rs["*column_name*"]. Note that when you use the `query `_ () function, you must ensure that the query code is properly escaped. For information about escaping, see `PDO::quote `_ () function. .. code-block:: php ".$sql.' '; echo' '; try{ foreach($db->query($sql)as $row){ echo $row['s_name'].' - '. $row['f_name'].' '; } }catch(PDOException $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); } $db = null;//disconnect ?> The output of the script is as follows: :: Executing SQL: SELECT * FROM code X - Mixed W - Woman M - Man B - Bronze S - Silver G - Gold Executing an UPDATE Statement ----------------------------- The following example shows how to execute an UPDATE statement by using a prepared statement and parameters. You can use the `exec `_ () function as an alternative. .. code-block:: php ".$sql.' '; echo' '; echo":f_name: ".$f_name.' '; echo' '; echo":s_name: ".$s_name.' '; echo' '; $qe = $db->prepare($sql); $qe->execute(array(':s_name'=>$s_name,':f_name'=>$f_name)); $sql ="SELECT * FROM code"; echo"Executing SQL: ".$sql.' '; echo' '; try{ foreach($db->query($sql)as $row){ echo $row['s_name'].' - '. $row['f_name'].' '; } }catch(PDOException $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); } $db = null;//disconnect ?> The output of the script is as follows: :: Executing SQL: UPDATE code SET f_name=:f_name WHERE s_name=:s_name :f_name: test :s_name: X Executing SQL: SELECT * FROM code X - test W - Woman M - Man B - Bronze S - Silver G - Gold Using prepare and bind ---------------------- Prepared statements are one of the major features offered by PDO and you can take following benefits by using them. * SQL prepared statements need to be parsed only once even if they are executed multiple times with different parameter values. Therefore, using a prepared statement minimizes the resources and ,in general, the prepared statements run faster. * It helps to prevent SQL injection attacks by eliminating the need to manually quote the parameters; however, if other parts of the SQL query are being built up with unescaped input, SQL injection would still be possible. The example script below shows how to retrieve data by using a prepared statement. .. code-block:: php ".$sql.' '; $s_name ='xyz'; echo":s_name: ".$s_name.' '; echo' '; try{ $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':s_name', $s_name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); foreach($result as $row) { echo $row['s_name'].' - '. $row['f_name'].' '; } }catch(PDOException $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); } echo' '; $sql ="SELECT * FROM code WHERE s_name NOT LIKE :s_name"; echo"Executing SQL: ".$sql.' '; $s_name ='X'; echo":s_name: ".$s_name.' '; echo' '; try{ $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':s_name', $s_name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); foreach($result as $row) { echo $row['s_name'].' - '. $row['f_name'].' '; } $stmt->closeCursor(); }catch(PDOException $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); } echo' '; $db = null;//disconnect ?> The output of the script is as follows: :: Executing SQL: SELECT * FROM code WHERE s_name NOT LIKE :s_name :s_name: xyz X - Mixed W - Woman M - Man B - Bronze S - Silver G - Gold Executing SQL: SELECT * FROM code WHERE s_name NOT LIKE :s_name :s_name: X W - Woman M - Man B - Bronze S - Silver G - Gold Using the PDO::getAttribute() Function -------------------------------------- The `PDO::getAttribute `_ () function is very useful to retrieve the database connection attributes. For example, * Driver name * Database version * Auto-commit state * Error mode Note that if you want to set attributes values (assuming that they are writable), you should use the `PDO::setAttribute `_ function. The following example script shows how to retrieve the current versions of client and server by using the `PDO::getAttribute `_ () function. .. code-block:: php ".$db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME).""; echo" "; echo"Client version: ".$db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION).""; echo" "; echo"Server version: ".$db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION).""; echo" "; $db = null;//disconnect ?> The output of the script is as follows: :: Driver name: cubrid Client version: 8.3.0 Server version: CUBRID PDO Extensions --------------------- In CUBRID, the `PDO::cubrid_schema `_ () function is offered as an extension; the function is used to retrieve the database schema and metadata information. Below is an example script that returns information about primary key for the *nation* table by using the `PDO::cubrid_schema `_ () function. .. code-block:: php nation: "; $pk_list = $db->cubrid_schema(PDO::CUBRID_SCH_PRIMARY_KEY,"nation"); print_r($pk_list); }catch(PDOException $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); } $db = null;//disconnect ?> The output of the script is as follows: :: Get PRIMARY KEY for table: nation: Array ( [0] => Array ( [CLASS_NAME] => nation [ATTR_NAME] => code [KEY_SEQ] => 1 [KEY_NAME] => pk_nation_code ) ) PDO API ======= For more information about PHP Data Objects (PDO) API, see http://docs.php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php. The API provided by CUBRID PDO driver is as follows: * `PDO_CUBRID DSN `_ * `PDO::cubrid_schema `_